Social Media

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Breakfast Discount

Kick off your morning with a hearty breakfast at a special price! As our valued guest, you can enjoy a 10% discount on all breakfast items when you order through our online platform.


Enjoy your favorite meals from the comfort of your room with our personalized room service platform. Whether you’re craving a hearty breakfast, a light lunch, or a decadent dinner, we’ve got you covered. Simply browse our curated menu, tailored to your preferences, and order with just a few clicks.

Local Activities

There’s so much to explore just around the corner! From breathtaking landmarks and cultural hotspots to family-friendly activities and hidden local gems, your perfect adventure awaits. Whether you’re looking to relax, learn, or have some fun, there’s something here for everyone.

Thank you for staying!

The only brand offering a complete, all-in-one hotel communication solution that seamlessly integrates on- and offline guest experiences with a built-in keycard holder. Designed to enhance guest satisfaction and boost hotel profitability, HotelBooqi sets the standard for modern hospitality.